Skid- mounted hydrogen station


It can provide 35MPa and 70MPa skid-mounted and mobile skid-mounted solutions with integrated hydrogen equipment. It features small footprint, low investment cost, and short constr...



Product description



Technical performance and specifications

Container-type hydrogenation unit

Diaphragm compressor/liquid-driven booster pump, dispenser nozzle (TK16, TK25), sequential control panel

Hydrogen storage system

45MPa, hydrogen storage capacity 50-200kg (external)

Station control system

Censtar system (PLC control system, host computer monitoring system)

Video surveillance system

Color camera, video surveillance cabinet and auxiliary materials

Alarm system

Hydrogen detector, gas alarm controller, flame detector, explosion-proof control module

Instrument air & nitrogen purging system

Instrument air purging and displacement system

IoT system

Cloud platform remote monitoring 

Charging system

Multifunctional payment system (connected with petroleum system)